Ph.D. in English, Texas A&M University, May 2010
Dissertation: Utopian Body: Alternative Experiences of Embodiment in 20th Century Utopian Literature
M.A. in English, Texas A&M University, May 2005
B.A. in English, summa cum laude, Texas State University-San Marcos, December 2002
Academic Positions
Administrative Positions
Courses Taught
Nature and Human Values (composition + ethics)
Engineering Grand Challenges (integrated writing, ethics, humanities, and engineering design)
First Year Honors: Innovation and Discovery in Engineering, Arts, and Sciences (integrated writing, ethics, humanities, and engineering design)
Rhetoric and Composition
Research and Writing
Communication in the STEM Workplace
Explorations in STEM Communication
Technical Communication
Practicum in Technical Communication
Layout and Design
Introduction to Literature
American Literature: WWII to Present
Literary Criticism and Theory
Literature and Film
Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature
Science in Literature
Utopian Studies
Introduction to Science, Technology, & Society
Writing & Research in the Interdisciplinary Sciences
Literature in the Digital Age
Undergraduate Thesis in Literature
New Media: Writing and Publishing
Curriculum Development
Fellowships, Grants, Awards, & Honors
Academic Publications
Book Chapters
"Interdisciplinary Collaboration for a New Humanities & a New Engineer." Writing STEAM: Composition, STEM, and a New
Humanities, edited by Vivian Kao and Julian Kieran, Routledge Press, 2022. Co-authored with Dr. Alina Handorean.
Peer-Reviewed/Academic Articles
"Trial By STEAM: A Lesson Plan for Using “Repent, Harlequin!” in the STEAM Classroom," The STEAM Journal: Vol. 4: Iss. 2, Article
13. Published Dec. 2020.
"The Mulder Effect: I Want to STEAM," The STEAM Journal: Vol. 4: Iss. 2, Article 14. Published Dec. 2020.
"Stand Where You Stand on Omelas: An Activity for Teaching Ethics with Science Fiction." Teaching Ethics. February 2020.
“Cyborg Teaching: The Transferable Benefits of Teaching Online for the Face-to-Face Classroom.” MERLOT Journal of Online
Learning and Teaching 11.1 (2015): 136-145. Online.
“Get Happy: Play and the Utopian Imagination in Mark Osborne’s More.” The Rocky
Mountain Review of Language and Literature. 68.2 (2014): 130-141. Print.
“Revolutionary Bodies in Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club.” Utopian Studies 23.1 (2012): 263-279.
Review Essay
Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping, Total Forgiveness by R.T. Kendall, and Forgiveness is a Choice by Robert D. Enright, Ph.D.
South Central Review (Fall 2010): 169-173. Print.
Conference Presentations & Invited Talks
Academic Service
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
Colorado School of Mines
Missouri University of Science & Technology
Texas A&M University
Dissertation: Utopian Body: Alternative Experiences of Embodiment in 20th Century Utopian Literature
M.A. in English, Texas A&M University, May 2005
B.A. in English, summa cum laude, Texas State University-San Marcos, December 2002
Academic Positions
- Part-time Faculty, Colorado State University-Global, March 2013-Present
- Part-time Faculty, Southern New Hampshire University, November 2022-Present
- Assistant Professor, Humanities Department, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, 2019-December 2022
- Teaching Associate Professor (Promoted), Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences, Colorado School of Mines, 2018-2019
- Teaching Assistant Professor, Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, Colorado School of Mines, 2014-2018
- Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of English and Technical Communication, Missouri University of Science & Technology, 2011-2014
- Post-Doctoral Lecturer, Department of English, Texas A&M University, 2010-2011
Administrative Positions
- Program Director of Nature & Human Values (first year program in composition and ethics), HASS, Colorado School of Mines, 2017-2019. NHV has been recognized as a National Academy of Engineering Exemplar in Engineering Ethics Education.
- Coordinator of Online Initiatives, HASS, Colorado School of Mines, Fall 2017-Spring 2018
- Coordinator of Instructional Technology, Department of English, Texas A&M University, 2010-2011
- Academic Coordinator, Duke University Talent Identification Program, Summer Studies Program, 2008-2009. Texas A&M University, Summer 2009 (two terms), University of Kansas, Summer 2008
Courses Taught
Nature and Human Values (composition + ethics)
Engineering Grand Challenges (integrated writing, ethics, humanities, and engineering design)
First Year Honors: Innovation and Discovery in Engineering, Arts, and Sciences (integrated writing, ethics, humanities, and engineering design)
Rhetoric and Composition
Research and Writing
Communication in the STEM Workplace
Explorations in STEM Communication
Technical Communication
Practicum in Technical Communication
Layout and Design
Introduction to Literature
American Literature: WWII to Present
Literary Criticism and Theory
Literature and Film
Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature
Science in Literature
Utopian Studies
Introduction to Science, Technology, & Society
Writing & Research in the Interdisciplinary Sciences
Literature in the Digital Age
Undergraduate Thesis in Literature
New Media: Writing and Publishing
Curriculum Development
- Utopia & Revolution, special topics course, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, Spring 2021
- Utopian Studies, pilot course, Colorado School of Mines, Spring 2019
- Technical Report Writing, an online module designed for First Year Honors, Colorado School of Mines, Spring 2017
- First Year Honors: Innovation and Discovery in Engineering, Arts, & Sciences, co-developed, Colorado School of Mines, 2016-2017
- Technical Communication, proposed and developed, Colorado School of Mines, 2017
- Engineering Grand Challenges Pilot, co-developed, Colorado School of Mines, 2015-2016
- Exposition and Argumentation, online redesign, Missouri S&T, 2013-2014
- Research and Writing, online redesign, Missouri S&T, 2013-2014
- Practicum in Technical Communication, online redesign, Missouri S&T, 2013-2014
Fellowships, Grants, Awards, & Honors
- Co-PI for NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Grant: “A Classroom Approach to Creating Engineers to Solve Global Problems through Complex Problem Based Learning.” Principal Investigator Drs. Bret Lingwall, Civil and Environment Engineering and Andrea Surovek, Mechanical Engineering, 2020-2022
- Daniels Fund Faculty Fellowship in professional ethics education, proposal: “Teaching Engineering Ethics with Science Fiction,” Colorado School of Mines, 2018-2019
- Academic Management Institute grant to support leadership training for women in higher education, Colorado School of Mines, 2018-2019
- Recognition Award for supporting student engagement and retention, Colorado State University-Global, 2017
- Recognized by the university president for creating a “Mines Signature Experience” for collaboratively developing the First Year Honors program, Colorado School of Mines, Faculty Forum August 2017
- Teaching Faculty Travel Grant, Colorado School of Mines, 2015
- Provost’s eFellows Program Award to support online course development, Missouri S&T, 2013-2014
- Outstanding Teaching Award, university-wide, Missouri S&T, 2013
- Identified as a “Highly Motivating Instructor” by the Center for Educational Research and Teaching Innovation, Missouri S&T, 2013
- Recipient, Freshman Engineering Program We Love Your Class Award, Missouri S&T, 2013
- Nominee, Freshman Engineering Program We Love Your Class Award, Missouri S&T, 2012
- Dissertation Research Award, Texas A&M English Department, 2009
- Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research Graduate Stipendiary Fellowship, Texas A&M, 2006-2007
- Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research Travel Award, Texas A&M, 2005
- Hamlin Hill Essay Prize for best essay of the year, Texas A&M English Department, 2005
- Dr. William Barzak Memorial Scholarship, awarded for best bibliographic project, Texas A&M, 2004
Academic Publications
Book Chapters
"Interdisciplinary Collaboration for a New Humanities & a New Engineer." Writing STEAM: Composition, STEM, and a New
Humanities, edited by Vivian Kao and Julian Kieran, Routledge Press, 2022. Co-authored with Dr. Alina Handorean.
Peer-Reviewed/Academic Articles
"Trial By STEAM: A Lesson Plan for Using “Repent, Harlequin!” in the STEAM Classroom," The STEAM Journal: Vol. 4: Iss. 2, Article
13. Published Dec. 2020.
"The Mulder Effect: I Want to STEAM," The STEAM Journal: Vol. 4: Iss. 2, Article 14. Published Dec. 2020.
"Stand Where You Stand on Omelas: An Activity for Teaching Ethics with Science Fiction." Teaching Ethics. February 2020.
“Cyborg Teaching: The Transferable Benefits of Teaching Online for the Face-to-Face Classroom.” MERLOT Journal of Online
Learning and Teaching 11.1 (2015): 136-145. Online.
“Get Happy: Play and the Utopian Imagination in Mark Osborne’s More.” The Rocky
Mountain Review of Language and Literature. 68.2 (2014): 130-141. Print.
“Revolutionary Bodies in Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club.” Utopian Studies 23.1 (2012): 263-279.
Review Essay
Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping, Total Forgiveness by R.T. Kendall, and Forgiveness is a Choice by Robert D. Enright, Ph.D.
South Central Review (Fall 2010): 169-173. Print.
Conference Presentations & Invited Talks
- "The Challenger Disaster: A Case Study on Engineering, Ethics, & Communication," Brown Bag talk for the South Dakota Mines Humanities & Social Sciences Dept, Jan 2022
- "Integrating Technology Ethics into a Technical Communication Course for STEM Students," Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum Conference, Online, 2021
- Panelist, The Futures of STS in Engineering & Polytechnic Universities, Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla, MO. September 24, 2021.
- “Everyday Technologies of the Future in Dystopian Fiction”, Humanities & Technology Association Conference, Rolla, MO, 2019
- "Let's Talk About Fight Club," Invited talk, Colorado School of Mines Arthur Lakes Library, Golden, CO, 2019
- "Creating a 'STEAM Team' for a First-Year Engineering Program Pilot Course," an active engagement workshop co-presented with Dr. Alina Handorean. American Society for Engineering Education Regional Conference, Laramie, WY, 2019
- "Applications of Science Fiction for Teaching Engineering Ethics and Design in First-Year STEAM Classrooms," Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum, Rochester, NY, 2018
- “An Integrated, Collaborative Engineering and Humanities Teaching Model for First Year Students,” American Society for Engineering Education Zone IV Conference, co-presenter, Boulder, CO, 2018
- “Cyborg Teaching: My Experiences in Redesigning and Teaching with Technology,” Invited talk, Trefney Innovative Instruction Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, 2016
- “Speculative Fur: Interspecies Embodiment and Alien/Animal Experiences in Science Fiction,” Society of Literature, Sciences, & the Arts Conference, Houston, TX, 2015
- “Get Happy: Play and the Utopian Imagination in Mark Osbourne’s More,” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference, Vancouver, WA, 2013
- Guest Lecturer on 1984, Missouri S&T Great Books Program, 2012
- “Adjusting to Bodies: Reflections on Teaching Offline,” AAUP Conference on the State of Higher Education, Washington D.C., 2011
- Selected poetry, Southwest Writers and Artists Festival, Texas A&M University, 2006
- “Hypermasculinity in Women’s Utopian Writing,” Society for Utopian Studies Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, 2006
- “Nathaniel Hawthorne, Vladimir Nabokov, and the Twentieth Century Dystopian Tradition,” Society for Utopian Studies Conference, Memphis, TN, 2005
- “Death and Sex in the City: Surveying the Wasted Landscapes of T.S. Eliot and George Grosz,” Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Waikiki, HI, 2005
- “A Proposed Unraveling: Showing Vladimir Nabokov’s Process and Practices in a Scholarly Edition of Transparent Things,” SCMLA Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2004
- “Father Figures and Sons Disfigured in James Joyce’s Ivy Day in the Committee Room," Conference of College Teachers of English, Beaumont, TX, 2004
Academic Service
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
- Member, Outreach & Engagement Committee
- Member, STS Curriculum Committee
- Member, Humanities Council
Colorado School of Mines
- Chair, NHV Curriculum Committee
- Member, Standards for Online Education at Mines Committee, 2017-2019
- Member, Teaching Faculty Hiring Committee, Fall 2017
- Member, Culture, Creativity, and Communication Committee, 2017-2019
- Member, I Dig Mines Committee, Fall 2016-Present
- Co-chair, Engineering Grand Challenges Pilot Assessment, Fall 2016
- Member, Communications Across Campus Committee, 2015-2017
- Member, Assessment Committee, HASS, 2014-2015
- Member, Awards Committee, HASS, 2014-present
- Member, Hennebach Advisory Committee, HASS, 2014-2015
- Advisor, CSM Gymnastics Club, 2014-Present
Missouri University of Science & Technology
- Faculty Advisor, Undergraduate student presentation at the Undergraduate Research Conference, Spring 2013
- Moderator, “Mission Possible: Motivating Students to Learn,” Center for Educational Research and Teaching, Spring 2013
- Member, English Department Composition Committee, 2012-2013
- Panelist, Forum on Graduate Studies in English (for interested undergraduates), Fall 2012
- Faculty Moderator, Missouri S&T Residence Hall Association Hunger Games Program, Spring 2012
Texas A&M University
- Member, English Department Technology Committee, 2010-2011
- Member, English Department Writing Programs Committee, 2010-2011
- Member, Technical Writing Grade Appeal Committee, 2010-2011
- Member, Technology Assessment for the English Department, Fall 2010
- Member, Technical Communication Textbook Committee, Spring 2007